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Image by Markus Spiske

Cookies policies


This website is owned by Casa de Luna y Sol.

The page is created and managed by Casa de Luna y Sol through the WIX web development platform ( ).

On our website we only use essential and necessary cookies for the proper functioning of the website while you are using it, and that allow both parties to offer or contract the services that appear on it.

However, we inform you that we work or may work with third-party companies for which, although they are legally obliged to comply with the law regarding this cookie policy, we cannot be held responsible.

That is why we advise you to configure your cookie options and we will clarify the following questions that you may ask yourself:

1. What are cookies.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in the browser of your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website, and that make it possible, facilitate and / or personalize Internet browsing.


2. How many kinds of cookies are there.


A. Depending on who hosts the cookies on your device.


- Own cookies: If they are hosted by the website editor (domain) or by the computer to which you connect so that they offer you a certain service. For example, if you connect to

- Third-party cookies: If a company hosts them from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. They are companies with which the publisher has some kind of contractual relationship. For example, Casa de Luna y Sol uses the platform to create its website and has access to social networks from the web that may use cookies uncontrollably by us.


B. According to the purpose of the cookies.


- Technical cookies: are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, including those that the editor uses to allow the management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the process of purchasing an order , manage payment, control fraud related to the security of the service, make the request for registration or participation in an event, count visits for the purposes of billing licenses for the software with which the service works (website, platform or application ), use security elements while browsing, store content for broadcasting videos or sound, enable dynamic content (for example, to load animation of a text or image) or share content through social networks.

Casa de Luna y Sol will ONLY use this type of cookie.


Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are those cookies that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as one more element of design or "layout" of the service offered to the user, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform based on criteria such as edited content, without information being collected from users for different purposes, such as customizing that advertising content or other content.

Casa de Luna y Sol will NOT use this type of cookie.


- Preference or customization cookies: they are those that allow the user to remember information so that the user accesses the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to show when the The user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which he accesses the service, etc.

Casa de Luna y Sol will NOT use this type of cookie.


- Analysis or measurement cookies: these are those that allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impacts of the advertisements. The information collected through these types of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.

C asa de Luna y Sol will NOT use this type of cookie.


- Behavioral advertising cookies: are those that store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

Casa de Luna y Sol will NOT use this type of cookie.



C. Depending on the time they remain activated on your device.


- Session cookies: are those designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only interested in keeping for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session.


- Persistent cookies: are those in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


Casa de Luna y Sol will use cookies for the time strictly essential for the development of the relationship with its customers.



3. What obligations does Casa de Luna y Sol have?


For the use of the type of cookies we use, the law does not oblige us to inform you. However, the fact that we work with third-party companies that give us support for the relationship with our clients makes us be cautious, since we cannot control their work. For this reason we want you to be sufficiently informed.

Our advice will be, while you browse our website and are a user of our services, that you keep active ONLY the mandatory and necessary cookies that will appear by default in the configuration.


4. And what happens if you have authorized cookies on our website and now you change your mind


In this case you have several mechanisms to correct it.


- From time to time, we have the option of resetting our clients' options. In fact, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) recommends companies that the period does not exceed 24 months. In other words, every year your cookie preferences on our website will be reset and when you log in, we will remind you of it again.

- Likewise, if you cannot or do not wish to wait that period of time, you can send us an email to and we will delete all the data that we have been able to store. You will have to send us:

Email and phone number.


- You can configure the use of cookies in your internet browser but you have to know in this case that this configuration will be effective every time you browse the internet, and not only when using our website. You could then find problems accessing certain websites, social networks and services that force you to accept certain cookies if you want to use them.

We help you with how to configure cookies in each of the most common browsers by leaving the link to their website here:

To disable Google Analytics tracking on all websites, visit this link:  (link in English).



5. Where you can go for more information.


We leave you here a couple of interesting links so that you can obtain more information about it if you are interested in knowing more about this topic. 

© 2021 by Casa de Luna y Sol

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